The Centre for Asian Studies is inviting everyone interested in East Asia and especially in Taiwan to one more “Time for Asia” event. This time we are honored to have a lecture “Taiwan’s Dynamic Civil Society” presented by the Head of the Taipei Mission in Latvia Mr. Rong-Chuan Wu. Mr. Wu will talk about Taiwan’s social activists, non-governmental organizations, their domestic and international achievements, as well as civil society’s impact to Taiwan’s democracy and development. The event will be held on April 24 (Monday) from 11:15 at Donelaicio st. 52, room 422.

Rong-Chuan Wu was appointed to Taipei Mission in Latvia in August, 2016. Before that, he represented Taiwan in Canada, USA, Dominica and other countries. Mr. Wu has an international affairs MA degree from the School of Foreign Services at Georgetown University in Washington DC. (more…)

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On April 21st the Center for Korean Studies of the University of Latvia in cooperation with the Centre for Asian Studies (Vytautas Magnus University)  organized the 3rd Baltic Seminar on Korean Studies.It was held at VMU Small Hall. The seminar attracted participants not only from the Baltic states but also from Sweden, Finland, South Korea and other countries. The first half of the seminar was be focused on discussing the situation of Korean studies in the Baltic States while the remaining part was dedicated to presentations about Korean language. (more…)

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17834789_10155102874978771_1905076174707988983_oThe Centre for Asian Studies and Global Japan Office invite to participate in the performance of Kabuki theatre and Nihon buyo. The event will be held on May 12th evening (6 p.m.), in the Big Hall of Vytautas Magnus University (Daukanto st. 28).

Kabuki dance performance is an exclusive Japanese cultural event in Lithuania. The last kabuki performance in our country was held more than 15 years ago. This time 22 members of the troupe led by dancers and kabuki actor Fujima Takamasa (藤間貴雅) are coming to Kaunas, Lithuania. Artists will present both the traditional Japanese dance and the kabuki theater. This performance will be unique because one of the parts of the performance will be performed by the professional performers and VMU students together.

The event is organized by the Agency “Yukari”, and hosted by the VMU Centre for Asian Studies and TUFS Global Japan Office in Kaunas. It is supported by Agency of Cultural Affairs of Japan.

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In the past few months the Centre for Asian Studies (CAS) together with VMU’s Japanese language teachers and international partners were working on a project financed by Japan Foundation’s “Sakura Network” program. The project was focused on expanding – a page that provides freely accessible Japanese language lessons in Lithuanian language for independent learning. (more…)

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Time for Asia is back with an event that is focused on Chinese subcultures. This upcoming Tuesday (April 11) expert on China Alex Fratila will talk about skinheads and alternative punk movements in China and present several alternative groups/bands in Beijing, their creed, lifestyle, Western influences and the impact that they have on the Chinese society and youth. The event is free and open for all. It will take place from 11:15 at Donelaicio str. 52, room 322.

“Time for Asia” is a cycle of events, organised by the Centre for Asian Studies and aimed to present contemporary issues and topics in the fields of Asian politics, society and economics.

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At the end of March a representative of the Centre for Asian Studies Lina Petrauskaitė visited Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. During the visit she got to know three different departments of university – International Office, Communication Office and the Department of Asian and North African Studies. (more…)

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New Partners in East Asia

Happy group of studentsLast week, VMU concluded signing cooperation agreements with two new partner universities in East Asia. In total, there are 38 such agreements now with institutions in the region.

Tōyō University became most recent and already 17th partner that VMU has in Japan. The university has more than 30 000 students who pursue their studies in 11 different faculties. Enrio Inoue, who established Tōyō University in 1887, was a famous philosopher of Japanese Buddhism. Representatives of the university visited the Centre for Asian studies last summer, and after negotiations the meeting resulted in signing the agreement. VMU and Tōyō University has plans to cooperate in different fields, including designing and launching a double degree study program of area studies.

National Dong Hwa University is the fourth VMU partner from Taiwan. It has 10 000 students and is located in Hualian prefecture – a very scenic mountainous part of the eastern part of Taiwan. Agreement with the university was signed during the visit of VMU vice-rector prof. Ineta Dabašinskienė.

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Every year the Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science offers scholarships for full-time Master degree studies in Lithuania. In total, 70 such scholarships are offered this year for citizens of 10 countries as well as foreign citizens of Lithuanian origin. The Centre for Asian Studies encourages everyone eligible for Lithuanian state scholarship to use this opportunity to gain high quality Master degree education at Vytautas Magnus University. The deadline for application is May 10, 2017.

One of the most attractive programs available for foreign students is East Asia Region Studies (EARS) program which during its 10 year history had a number of students who came to Kaunas thanks to state scholarships. EARS is the only graduate programme in Lithuania and the Baltic States that is taught in English and focused on East Asian contemporary politics and society. The two-year Master’s degree program is mainly concentrated on modern political, social and economic issues of East Asian countries, i.e. Korea, Japan and China, but also provides possibility for students to study region’s culture, history, traditions, religions, as well as to learn region’s languages. (more…)

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Tokijo-universiteto-ir-VDU-sutarties-pasirasymas-GJO-53-1On Monday, March 13, 2017, the signing on the agreement has been conducted at VMU that is located in Kaunas, the second largest city of Lithuania. Also, the opening ceremony of Global Japan Office (GJO) in Lithuania, which was founded as the 12th GJO of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, was held on that day.

In the presence of His Excellency Mr. Toyoei Shigeeda, Ambassador of Japan to Lithuania, and other personnel from Vilnius, the Capital, the signing ceremony was solemnly held. Participants from VMU included President of the university, Dr. Juozas Augutis and Head of Centre for Asian Studies, Dr. Aurelijus Zykas. From TUFS, Executive Director/ Secretary-General Fumiyasu Hirashita, Prof. Kyoko Numano, and Lithuanian Lecturer Dr. Eiko Sakurai attended the ceremony. (more…)

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20170304_153020Scholars of the Centre for Asian Studies participated at the International Symposium on Japanese Studies, which was hosted by the University of Bucharest, Center for Japanese Studies on March 4-5. The participants represented the academic institutions of France, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Belgium and Japan.

Dr Linas Didvalis presented the presentation on the topic “Japanese Forest Culture: Lost between Urbanization, Depopulation and Globalisation”, while PhD student Arvydas Kumpis used the case study of Tsushima conflict to illustrate the Internet Radicalization. Dr. Aurelijus Zykas made a presentation “Challenges for Japan’s Public Diplomacy after 2009”.

The Symposium was a good opportunity not only to present and discuss the newest research, but also to meet the partners of Bucharest, Ljubljana and Prague and to talk regarding Erasmus+ exchange for students and teachers.

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