Asian Books Space to be opened

akeSince June, 2016 Ch. Sugihara Reading Room was closed but in the beginning of September all the books will be publicly available in new place. Asian Books Space (ABS) is a part of Biržiška Reading Room (Donelaičio 52) where all of the funds from former Sugihara Reading Room will be placed. The new place, compared to the former one, allows the visitors to use modern equipment, computerized working places, contemporary interior and is easy approachable for all of the students. Official opening of the ABS will be announced later.

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This September 11th the screening of a movie about Chiune Sugihara will take place in the historical movie theater “Romuva” in Kaunas. During this event the viewers will be able to meet the delegation from Gifu prefecture, including Jaocu city mayor, who will hand funds donated by Gifu people for Sugihara fond “Diplomats for Life” to Sugihara building repair.

The start of the event: 18:00. The priority to enter the event will be given to thouse, who will have special invitations from Romuva. The invitations could be taken in theatre box office during working hours.

The last autumn premmier of the movie recieved a large influx of viewers and in Japan this movie became one of the most watched. During the event Lithuanians had an opportunity to meet the director Cellin Gluck and main role actors Toshiaki Karasawa (Chiune Sugihara) ir Koyuki (Jukiko Sugihara). After the event Kaunas Deputy Mayor S. Kairys handed flowers and papers announcing them Honorary Ambassadors of Kaunas city tourism.


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14030997_10154496194294052_1405049838_nWe kindly invite you to the fifth Japanese cultural festival and a tenth  bonsai and suiseki exhibition in Alytus, which will be held from September 2nd until 4th by Lithuania Bonsai Association and “Black Scissors” community. VMU Centre for Asian Studies is one of the partners of the event and many of VMU students will be volunteers in this festival.

Attendees will be able to see artists from around the world with their bonsai trees and suiseki, have a look at traditional kimono, enjoy Japanese theater Kiogeno performance, attend variuos lectures about Japanese culture. The second day of the festival, Saturday, will be designed for children, for this reason usual lectures will be complemented by workshops. Each day of the event will end with jazz artists from Japan performance. (more…)

vasaros atostogosBefore the end of the summer the employees of the Centre for Asian Studies started their summer holidays. The centre will be closed entirely from August 1st to 15th. We apologize for the inconvenience.

We express our gratitude to the students, clubs and partners for the fruitful collaborations during the past school year. Hopefully that all of You will get plenty of rest and come back well rested and full of creative energy for the upcoming semester. Happy summer holidays!

University_of_Fukui_logoOn June 23 VMU signed a agreement with University of Fukui, which supplemented rich  list of VMU partners in Japan.

The Fukui University is on the west coast of Japan (Hokuriku region) Fukui city. The State University was founded in 1949 and currently has about 5 thousand students, who study in 4 different faculties. The contract will enable students and staff exchanges and cooperation in the field of research.

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RaigirdasFrom June 23, Raigirdas Boruta, a graduate of University of Central Lancashire (United Kingdom), is accepted as an intern in VMU Centre for Asian Studies. Raigirdas is a specialist in Chinese language – he spent one year in China and will study in MA studies there. During summer (one month until July 27) intern will be working with representative material of Centre for Asian studies.
Centre for Asian Studies willfully accepts the interns. For more information, please, refer to the head of the centre.

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P51117-162853 (1)This year in June an agreement was signed between  Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) and China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU). This university is the fifth VMU partner in China.

CFAU is one of China’s higher education institutions which prepare the high-level diplomats, politicians and businessmen working in the international field. Many  graduates from this university are leaders in the Chinese current politics and international relations. That is why sometimes CFAU is called “the cradle of China’s diplomacy”. The university also organizes educational programs for foreign diplomats and opinion makers.

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kendoVMU Centre for Asian Studies and Japan Embassy in Lithuania invite everyone to a Kendo lecture-seminar which will take place at the hall of VMU Great Hall (S. Daukanto 28, Kaunas), on the 7th of June, 14:00-15:30.The event will be in English.
The lecturers:
Masahito Yumura M.D.: “The last Japanese Sword Man – Tesshu Yamaoka”
Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University
Doctor of Medicine. Surgeon.
8 kendo dan. President of NPO “International Goodwill Kendo Club“ (more…)

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