Baltic Alliance for Asian Studies (BAAS) is calling for submission of proposals for MA and PhD students‘ poster presentations in the fourth BAAS conference that is going to take place at Vytautas Magnus University in March 5-7th, 2020. Poster presentation is a good opportunity for students to present their research topic, discuss it with other […]
During November 6-10 Murad Asgarow, East Asia Region Studies student represented Vytautas Magnus University in the 2018 Jeonju International Biennale of Korean Studies at Chonbuk National University in South Korea. The conference provided scholars with an opportunity to share their ideas and the latest achievements in Korean Studies with fellow scholars from around the world. […]
Each year the Centre for Asian Studies (CAS) is inviting scholars from different academic fields to present their research on specific aspects of East Asia. This tradition is continuing, and this year we are happy to invite everyone interested to Korea, Japan and China to the 11th international CAS conference called “Civil Society in East Asian […]
The Centre for Asian Studies invites scholars of area studies, political science, history, sociology, economics, anthropology and other subjects to submit papers to an international conference “Civil Society in East Asian Countries: Contributions to Democracy, Peace and Sustainable Development“ that will be held on October 26-27 in Kaunas, Lithuania. The conference is dedicated to research about civil […]
The Centre for Asian Studies invited scholars and the general public to an international academic conference “Travel and Mutual Understanding: East Asia, Europe and Beyond“ that was held October 20-21 in Kaunas, Lithuania at VMU Small Hall (Daukanto st. 28, 2nd floor). The conference focused on travel as an opportunity for inter-cultural learning and both […]
The Centre for Asian Studies invites scholars of area studies, tourism, international economics and other subjects to submit papers to an international conference “Travel and Mutual Understanding: East Asia, Europe and Beyond“, to be held October 20-21 in Kaunas. The conference focuses on travel as an opportunity for inter-cultural learning and both material and immaterial […]
From 7 to 9 April 2016, the 2nd Baltic Alliance for Asian Studies (BAAS) Conference took place at the University of Tartu (UT) followed by the BAAS Board meeting on the 9 April. The conference was organised by the UT Centre for Oriental Studies, which was the 2014–2016 chair of the BAAS, together with the […]
Every year the Centre for Asian Studies at VMU organizes a conference on East Asia from the perspective of various research disciplines. In the past, annual conferences have focused on sociological or religious aspects of East Asian societies. This year’s topic is economy, and in particular – trade and other economic relations between the EU, […]
The Centre for Asian Studies invites scholars of area studies, international relations, international economics and other subjects to submit papers to an international conference Shifting inter-regional balance: EU-East Asia economic cooperation, to be held October 21-22 in Kaunas. The conference focuses on, but is not limited to, the role of small countries amidst the shifting […]
The Centre for Asian studies together with the Department of Philosophy and the Faculty of Catholic Theology organized the international interdisciplinary academic conference “Christian World and East Asian Traditions: Symbols, Concepts, Practices“, which took place in Vytautas Magnus University, Aula Magna (Gimnazijos str. 7, Kaunas), on September 18-20, 2014. The aim of the conference was to bring together […]