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Official book donation ceremony from the Embassy of People’s Republic of China to Vytautas Magnus University will be held on December 9. The ambasador H.E. Mr. TONG Mingtao and University’s Rector, Prof. Zigmas Lydeka will participate during the ceremony.
The collection of books, presented from the Embassy, consists of 500 new items about China’s culture, arts, education, history, geography, politics, law, religion, etc. in Chinese and English languages.
Event will start at 10:30, December 10, on the second floor of the Faculty of Humanities. (more…)
VMU Centre for Asian Studies invites to a public lecture-discussion of Ms. Kong Joo Shin (New York University) “Development of East Asian Economy: between the State and the Free Market“. Lecture will be delivered on 21 October (Thursday) at the Centre for Asian Studies (Vaižganto 30, Kaunas). Lecture starts at 16:30.
The lecture is part of the course “Economic Expansion in East Asia” (lect. Dr. V. Vobolevičius) of the MA East Asia Region Studies program. However, we invite everybody to join the lecture and discussion.
The Centre for Asian Studies invites for a lecture of H.E. Mr. Akio KAWATO, Japanese ex-diplomat, under the title “The way to survive the global paradigm shift: Japan’s strategy for security and prosperity“. The lecture will be delivered on November 10, 2010 at Sugihara auditorium (302) of the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy (Gedimino 44, Kaunas). Lecture time: 14:00-16:00.
Japan has been prospering, enjoying freedom in the society, but heavily relying on the U.S. security guarantee. Now things are changing: growing Chinese power (political, economic and military) and ailing West. What should be Japan’s strategy for future? (more…)
VMU Centre for Asian Studies invites to the event “Korea visits Kaunas”, which is organised on October 22 (Friday) at Kaunas Cultural Centre of Various Nations (Šv. Gertrūdos street 58). The event starts at 15:00. It is organised jointly with Korean Culture Centre at Warshaw.
You can find more information at the Lithuanian version.
12 representatives of Youth Exchange program from Japan are visiting VMU Centre for Asian Studies on September 9. They are coming by the good will program, based on Japanese Government‘s „International Youth Program for 2010“. All VMU students are invited to join and to have nice time with our guests.
VMU Centre for Asian Studies invites to Kyōgen performance, which will be held in Kaunas on Septemeber 13, at Kaunas Drama Theatre.
This first time in Lithuania Kyōgen will be performed by Kyogen master Mr. Shime Shigeyama and the Little Theatre of Kyōgen (Male divadlo kjogenu) from Czech Republic. Two comical pieces of Kyōgen will be performed in Czech an Japanese languages: Boshibari and Shimizu. The performers will also introduce Kyōgen masks, costumes, techniques. (more…)
Prof. Yoshihiko Ikegami (Professor Emeritus of Tokyo University, Professor of Showa Women University), a famous researcher of cognitive linguistics and semiotics, will deliver lectures at VMU in September for University students.
Professor, invited by the Centre for Asian Studies and supported by Japan Foundation, will deliver the lectures for the MA students of East Asia Studies and Integrated Communication (Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy), and at the Centre for Foreign Languages. He also will make presentation at the International conference on September 10-11. (more…)
We are happy to announce a call for papers for the 5th annual international students’ conference on Asia. The conference will take place on April 9 at Vytautas Magnus University (V. Putvinskio 23, Kaunas).
If you are interested in East Asian cultures, languages, arts, economics or other areas, this event is just for you. The conference, organized by VMU East Asian Languages and Cultures students, together with the Centre for Asian Studies and the Department of Cultural Studies, is a great opportunity to share your accumulated knowledge, work or research with colleagues in this field and not only, to gain experience and improve your public speaking skills, or even get some inspirations. (more…)
We are sharing the invitation to submit abstracts for the 4th annual Student academic Conference, focusing on Asia. The conference will be held on April 24, 11:00-14:00, V. Putvinskio 23-310 in Kaunas, Lithuania.
This event, which has become an integral part of VMU Asian Week, is organized by VMU Regional Studies Asian specialization students and VMU Center for Asian Studies together with the Department of Cultural Studies. As every year, students from various fields whose work and research touch on the topic of Asia are welcome, both from the humanities, social sciences, arts and other disciplines. (more…)
The National Taiwan Library announced “Guidelines to the National Taiwan Library Fellowship for International Visiting Scholars and Students”.
The library provides Fellowship for experts and scholars to pursue their academic goals in Taiwan studies or Southeast Asia studies. Please click here to read more.
It is time for all who are interested in East Asian cultures, languages, economics, politics and more to come together for what has become an annual student research conference, organised by the VMU East Asia Cultures and Languages students.
This conference is a great opportunity to share your knowledge, work and research with colleagues in the field, to try and improve your public speaking skills, to gain experience and to listen to presentations by like-minded people. (more…)
Are you interested in politics of Japan? Maybe you are interested in economy of China? Maybe you are fascinated in Korean art and traditions? It does not matter in which field you are interested in, as long as it is related to East Asia we have a very interesting proposition to you. (more…)
VMU Department of International Relations informs about ongoing studies exchange and internship contests as well as “Erasmus Days’21” which are going to take place on February 17th, 18th, and 19th, during which students will be able to learn more about exchange opportunities. (more…)
Beijing Normal University entrusts the European Federation of Overseas Chinese and Chinese Associations to recruit 100 candidates for MBA and MPA studies (conducted fully in English) from all over the world. Appropriate students are welcome to sign up. (more…)
Applications for scholarships for studies in China in 2021-2022 are open. Persons who are nationals of Lithuania, EU or persons from the third countries having the right to live in Lithuania are welcome to apply.
Applications may be submitted by representatives of various fields of Lithuanian science and studies institutions/ representatives of science fields – Bachelor, Masters and PhD students. (more…)